A Valentine’s Day Suggestion to Share with Development Officers….

I would like to share an idea with you – this is a compassionate gesture which I have taken on for the past 35 years -- leading up to our forthcoming Valentine's Day 2022:

During each year, I keep a record/note of our client’s donors and friends whose male spouses have passed away during the year. As noted, and when appropriate, my wife, Pam, and I mail a Valentine’s Day card - which we sign - to each of these widows. This annual list is added to our existing current donors and friends listing who became widows in years past.

For over 35 years, we have conservatively mailed between 30 to 60 cards each year. In fact, I just visited our local Post Office earlier this week and purchased 40 "Valentine's Day" stamps in anticipation of our cards to be mailed next week.

Of course, I do not expect anything in return for this gesture; it is simply, to me, a ministry that I believe demonstrates our friendship and care for these gracious folks who are facing a lonely aspect or "emptiness" to their lives at this special time of year.

Over the years, and quite unexpectedly, we have received handwritten notes back from several of these gracious, caring folks. To my surprise, several have written to us not only to thank us for our card and handwritten note, but they have often stated that our’s was the only valentine they received – or perhaps, more succinctly – that they had family living nearby and no one shared a valentine greeting with them.

A small remembrance humbly shared as a “Thinking of You” gesture – it is a significant way to express to our donors and our friends that we care about them, and that they are an important part of our organizations, and, our lives.

I hope this is a suggestion that you may consider as you interact with your donors and friends this Valentine’s Day.


A Thanksgiving Suggestion